Monday, June 10, 2013

Take Me Down Memory Lane..

Vintage dress from Athens Underground: $60.00
Olsenboye shoes: $13.00 from Plato's Closet
Purse: $3.99 from Goodwill

Total look: $76.99

I often feel like I am from the fifties, and I am stuck in this body that I am in. I often wonder what stories are behind these vintage dresses that I find..was it a first date, a prom even, a wedding day, or an extravagant evening out...etc. Do you find yourself ever wondering the "history" behind your vintage? I find myself often wondering what was down memory lane. When I put this dress on I immediately thought of going to a cruise in movie..well, maybe not during the day time. I love everything about this dress! It is the most light and airy dress that you will ever put on. I found this cutie at Athens Underground, and I tried it on and was in love. 
So, guys today is the day! My sister is having her baby today..and I am super excited to be an auntie and hold him and love him, and give him back when it is time to Talk about another memory lane! I am glad that someone else is having the cute baby this I love babies, but I am good with my now it is time to love, and hand back. I am also excited to get my hands into some newborn photography as well!

Today I am linking up with:

Sami's Shenanigans
Screen Shot 2013-02-24 at 7.10.22 PM"
lowercase letters
Thrifters Anonymous


  1. A thrifted outfit is the best type of outfit! That dress is beautiful!

    [visiting from Sunday Style]

  2. Gorgeous dress! And congratulations on becoming an auntie, isn't it grand? Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  3. Wonderful dress! Looks great on you :)

  4. Whoa! This is vintage photo shoot perfection!! The dress is so beautiful and twirly. I would not stop twirling around in it.

    I'm a huge history buff. When I was little I used to tell my mom that I was born in the wrong era, that I belonged either in the past or in the future. I'm very happy about all the progress we've made since days gone by, and I realize that we romanticize the past because... because we just do. Lol. Still, I love all things vintage, all things historical. I, too, always wonder about the memories that were made in each vintage piece I get my hands on. It's fun to imagine it. :)

    Visiting from the Plane Pretty link-up. :)

    -Nathy @ Earnestyle

    1. Nice comment. I think that we romanticize as well..but still nice to romanticize into a different Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again.

  5. Goodness, this is simply adorable! That frock is definitely the bomb. Oh yes.

    Accordion to Kellie

  6. Fabulous vintage look! Again you nailed this 50s inspired look!

    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

  7. Oh my goodness, that dress is SO lovely! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin' <3 Alex

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  11. Love your pictures Heather, great dress and great car :) I sometime wonder who wore this and where when I buy a fab second hand dress and think how could they let it go :) whoo I love babies too but mine are all growing up fast, hope your sister had a painfree ( as much as possible ) birth and hopefully you are an antie now :)

    1. Forgot to say thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays...

    2. Featuring your post and pinning on Creative Mondays this week :) thanks again for linking up :)

  12. Beautiful dress and congratulations to your sister!

  13. Where did you manage to find this gorgeous car to pose with?! These photos are incredible, I'm totally jealous! What a pretty dress too! :) I sometimes wonder about the past lives of my vintage dresses too. Congrats to your sister! How exciting!!

  14. You look like a pin-up girl from the 50's! The whole outfit is fabulous and you rock the look. Found you via Visible Monday.

    Following you via Bloglovin'

    Barbara @

  15. Great dress and lovely pictures. Love your haircut!

    blue hue wonderland

  16. Wow you look amazing - I love love love this dress - so cute and retro and super photos :)
    Just stopping by from Yolo Mondays

    Laura x

  17. heather i enjoy the way you do your photos! the 50's are your decade of inspiration.

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Thank you all for your kind words..They touch my heart, and leave a smile on my face. Thanks for stopping by.